Thursday, March 5, 2009

Freedom from the smell...for today.

Today was just another fun day in my extremely boring life. I titled the post what I did only because we did not finish the floors today...which means I can move about the house freely for once. AND IT DOESN'T STINK! I hate that smell.

I went to bed...early...around 2:00 this morning, but I forgot my pillow at my grandparents' house so I deflated a beach ball that I happened to have in the office and put it in a fleece and used that as a pillow. It hurt my neck pretty bad, but it sufficed for one night.

I got up for college at 6:00 and left the house with 16 oz. of day old coffee and a bottle of diet Pepsi Max to fuel me through my day. It was pretty rough, but I made it. My classes were very boring and nothing really interesting happened...they kinda just...existed. Very boring.

I came home and then took my mom over to my grandparents' house and then left to go to my friend's house where the three of us planned worship service for Sunday. I got to her house only to find out that the other girl's brother did not come home yet. So we drove over to her house, picked her up and returned to start planning. We practiced guitar and went over some different variations of songs trying to find the songs that were easy to play, but in a good vocal range; great fun over all...ohhhh...wait...I'm Baptist...I can't have fun. Never mind. We finished up and I drove over to pick Jeff from work before heading back to my grandparents' where I ate dinner before getting dropped off at home when she was going to quilting tonight.

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