Monday, March 2, 2009

A day off and STILL lessons to be learned.

Today, Monday, was a very average day with nothing happening out of the ordinary, involving very average people to whom nothing ever extraordinary ever happened too....but since THAT is INCREDIBLY boring, I will tell you about my day...which is just as boring (besides, I don't know what happened to those people anywaz!)

Today I did not have college, so I stayed home to help my dad finish the floors. We spent from 12:30 till about 3:30 finishing the floors...after a while the smell doesn't bother you. Its actually kinda bad...but still. My dad edged everything and I coated the large areas. We worked pretty fast and got the first coat on quickly only to have to wait...again. mom, brother and sister left to stay at my grandparents for the week and I am staying here at my house with my dad to work on the floors.

The smell finally died down about 6-ish and the floor started drying. They look really good. We have a few more coats to put on before it is complete. My dad wants at least 4 coats...that way we can at least use up the extra finish we have.

I did have the privilege to talk to some of my best friends today. Two of them are siblings and are like family to me. It was good talking to them. We ended up talking about how the standards of today's teen generation have declined; how the standards have lowered so much as to say, "God wants us to have fun." That is sad...sad and sickening. My one friend, who I call my lil' sis', was sad because of the state this "Christian" teen population seems to be no different from the world.

Tell me what you think. I want feedback on this. Please leave me a comment, it may help may help some one else.


  1. Hey so what are the odds that while you were talking to your 2 friends about how the standerds of our generation have declined I was talking to one of my friends about the exact same thing.
    There is such a spiritual battle going on for this generation and I think that the time has truly come for us to step up and take a stand for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ even if it means not being "politically correct" (which would be following our Lord's example!).
    Wow...if that made sense to you good! Sorry I am still processing alot of stuff

  2. The odds are 100% if you believe God's hand is in everything! And It IS! So I'm not surprised at ALL!

  3. What does it mean to "be an example"? Are we supposed to do something extra? Or are we to just "be like Christ" wherever we are?
