Tuesday, February 24, 2009

School, Tests, and Family

Well today was fun...kinda. Woke up this morning just like every other Tuesday and Thursday to get ready for school at 6:00...but I didn't wake up till 10 till 7:00...and I leave at 7:00...Needless to say, I took a 3 min shower, printed off my paper, brushed my teeth, got a dollar fifty for a drink from the vending machine, and headed out the door with a sweatshirt in my hand...only to find...ITS COLD OUT HERE! And it was; the radio said that it was about 5 degrees Fahrenheit...well below freezing; and I have wet hair and am wearing a t-shirt and jeans in a frozen over truck. My first class was history and incredibly boring because the teacher puts a list of important people, dates, and places on the board and basically reads them of to us. Psychology I had a test in...It wasn't too bad. Kinda easy really, but it still was a test...and in psychology. But I got out of that class early because of the test and worked at the computer lab for 30 min before my English class started. That was not as fun as it had been, but those days come and go.

After getting out of my last class of the day I drove over to Walmart...my "favorite" store...to get some cough meds for my dad, cause he is REALLY sick; and I finally got more pencils, cause I have been out since my first art class of the year when I borrowed a broken mechanical pencil from my friend Brian. I came home to find Jeff exactly where I knew he would be...sitting in front of the XBox playing...you guessed it-Merc 2. But whatever, I had thing I needed to do, like work on my Calc homework and all that fun jazz.

We, me and Jeff, ended up ripping up some carpeting on the stairs leading up to the second floor, as well as the quarter round all the way around the hardwood floors on the main level...it took too long.

I drove my fam over to my grandparents house for dinner tonight where we spend 4 hours...it was fun...we ate dinner, watched some history channel, military channel, and I went down in the basement with my granpa. He had just bought a double barrel .22/.410 O/U that he wanted to show me cause it was the same as mine. I ended up reloading about 100 rounds of shotgun shells on his lil' reloader set he has...its like a 600 Jr. something. I don't know what it is called, but it isn't bad. He shoots lots of trap and skeet and reloads some of the shells, and I reload the rest!


  1. If you get pneumonia...Jac will be angry... :-p

  2. I know...but I won't...I'm as healthy as a...healthy horse!
