Sunday, February 22, 2009

Recap...busy 3 days!

the last three days I have done NOTHING at home. Really, I have come home to eat and sleep...pretty bad...I'll start on with the first day I didn't blog.

I had my art class today, from 12:30 till 4:30; the roads were pretty bad and I was surprised that school wasn't canceled at all (it should have been!). I handed in 3 of the compositions I made and got an A-, B, and a C. The one I got a C on was kinda lame...but I still handed it in. I bought the game Mercenaries 2: World in Flames and its a pretty cool game. It is a 3rd person, free-roaming, shoot-em-up; that lets you pick from 3 different characters. I played that game for an hour or so before going to hockey at the church with my friends at 7. By the time hockey was over the weather actually got pretty good, and other than a hockey stick to the throat and the ball hitting me just below the ribs in my stomach...I think I did pretty good not getting hurt. That was all I did on Friday because by the time I got home my brother Jeff had been playing Mercenaries 2 for the whole time I was gone and then late into the morning...keeping me awake might I also add.

My Saturday consisted of cleaning my room a lil bit, playing a lil more Mercenaries 2, and going over to my friend's house to watch the Buffalo Sabres take on the New York Rangers. There was probably 10 of us there including their fam. and we just kinda hung out till everybody get there and the game to start. The game was pretty fights though. Sabres 4 Rangers2 final. Miller got hurt cause of Gomez should have been a penalty for hitting the goalie...rvthw. I didn't get to leave till real late cause some of the girls who had come, blocked me in and wouldn't leave...SOOOOO irritating! I went out of my way to go to the bank to activate my debit card, so I could buy gas for the truck. So I get it activated at the ATM and take like $20 out of my account to make sure it works...then go across the street to buy gas at the 24 hour pay at the pump station...and it denies the sale! I could NOT believe it. I drove home praying that I wouldn't run out of gas...and I didn't. God did provide! In fact I never saw the gas gauge move at all...and it is at least a 45 min drive, going an average of 55 mph. I ended up getting home Sunday morning.

It is kinda funny about me driving around at midnight with no gas...because previously to me living at my current house, my parents owned a farm that we all worked on. One day I was sent out to mow hay with our 4250 John Deere and an International disk-bine. I didn't think to look at the gas gauge...well actually diesel...before I left the farm...I drove to the field I needed to cut and looked at the gauge only to see the gauge pinned to "E" and the "Need Fuel" light was on...being young...I didn't know what to do...should I continue and finish mowing the hay and then return home...or go home and refuel. Well I thought my dad would be made at me if I went home without finishing the work, (money was VERY tight and we couldn't afford burning anymore fuel than he absolutely NEEDED to) so I tried to finish the work. Now the field I was mowing was pretty good size. It ended up taking me about 2 and 1/2 hours to finish it. I was praying the entire time for God NOT to let me run out of fuel. Well, I finished the field, got home, drove to the fuel tanks and turned off the tractor, and went to pump fuel in the tank. I looked in to not only see it empty...COMPLETELY empty, but also dry. BONE DRY! The way it gets because the fuel is gone and the engine heat is warming up the tank and evaporating all the moisture...there was no fuel in the was empty...and had been...probably for about an hour and a half. This was not the making of the John Deere, engineers...THIS WAS GOD. He made it possible for this stupid little 16 year old to make it home running on prayer.

Like I said, I got home early this morning, and got up at take my bro, Jeff, down to work at the store. I went to church and it was very good...but I forgot to ask Pastor Mike for the sermon notes...rats!...I'll ask him some other time I guess. But anywaz...we, me and my fam, went out to eat after church, and got some stuff at Lowe's before going home. After I got home I played a lil Merc 2 before picking Jeff up from the store and then heading over to church to play Lacrosse and hockey again with some local kids. We all ended up staying till evening service were I ran the sound board and al that fun stuff.

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