Saturday, February 28, 2009

The past 2 days...

The Last 2 days have been pretty hectic for me, going to school, coming home, leaving again. But still pretty amazing. Anywaz...I'll start from the beginning-ish.

Friday, 7:30 a.m. start:
My alarm went off on this, until then wonderful day. I woke up and started about my typical Friday routine: devos, breakfast, art project that would be due later that same day...wait, WHAT? I totally forgot about my art project that I needed to get done. Great, I have 5 hours to do it! Except that it is about you have to do charcoal rubbings, which are VERY messy. I ended up taking up all that time doing that project only to NOT turning it in...I was kinda upset. But that just means I get another week to work on it...and 2 other art projects...and all my other school work...

I ended up not going to bed until early Saturday morning (don't remember what time), I usually don't get tired until about 12:30-ish no surpise there. But I woke up at 7:00 which was annoying cause i could have slept another hour or so. Most of the day (from 9:30 till 5:00) I helped my dad and brother sand the hardwood floors of our house. It was a lot of work...and we were using big power sanders. At 5:00 I started getting ready to go to a concert. "The Bridge" was playing and I could not wait to go see them. The concert was really was. They are a great bunch of guys who love the Lord, and want to please Him with their music. I saw my friend's ("His Daughter's") dad there, he is a pastor and very cool guy, he has known Gary Murphee, the guitarist from the band, as I found out, since 1991. Pretty awesome. I got home kinda late...again...and ended up talking her till 12:30-ish...let me correct that...she talked to ME until that time, about going to the Resolve Tour. If you want more on that read her blog...I follow it so the link is easy to find.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I can't think of a I am leaving this blank...oops.

Today was a fun day...again. I went to bed around 1:30-ish this morning and woke up at 7:00. I took a shower and ate breakfast so I could leave for school...I did not say college, I said high school. It was kinda weird going back there, since I haven't been in the building in a year, but I managed. I needed to take some papers to my principal, for transferring to Baptist Bible College, for him to fill out and send in. It was funny to see all the people there, doing what I have been doing for the last 13 years of my life. Just strange...I can't describe it in all that I felt. But it was good seeing the school again.

After dropping the papers off at school I went to town to buy some tickets to The Bridge concert and some groceries. I did not get home till about 11:30, only to unload the truck and take Jeff to work. I ate lunch and left in the car to go to ice skating (after a 30 min layover at home), which I had never attempted until today. And skated from 1:00 untill 3:30 pretty much non-stop. Needless to say, I am VERY tired.

After being home for about 25 min Jeff called and was done at workso I had to go get him and bring him home, again. then...I was home of a full hour before leaving for church as a listener for the T 'N T boys (Teens in Training). It is really cool to have kids really young learning scripture...knowing that 9 out of 10 of those kids are more likely to be better citizens, fathers, mothers...people; than those who never attend.

Basically, all day I drove. I would get home long enought to have to leave again...I was probably home for about 2 and 1/2 hours today...and that is pretty bad...but overall it was a good day. And I had a good chat with Pastor Green at school this morning about being a positive Christian witness at college.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

School, Tests, and Family

Well today was fun...kinda. Woke up this morning just like every other Tuesday and Thursday to get ready for school at 6:00...but I didn't wake up till 10 till 7:00...and I leave at 7:00...Needless to say, I took a 3 min shower, printed off my paper, brushed my teeth, got a dollar fifty for a drink from the vending machine, and headed out the door with a sweatshirt in my hand...only to find...ITS COLD OUT HERE! And it was; the radio said that it was about 5 degrees Fahrenheit...well below freezing; and I have wet hair and am wearing a t-shirt and jeans in a frozen over truck. My first class was history and incredibly boring because the teacher puts a list of important people, dates, and places on the board and basically reads them of to us. Psychology I had a test in...It wasn't too bad. Kinda easy really, but it still was a test...and in psychology. But I got out of that class early because of the test and worked at the computer lab for 30 min before my English class started. That was not as fun as it had been, but those days come and go.

After getting out of my last class of the day I drove over to "favorite" get some cough meds for my dad, cause he is REALLY sick; and I finally got more pencils, cause I have been out since my first art class of the year when I borrowed a broken mechanical pencil from my friend Brian. I came home to find Jeff exactly where I knew he would be...sitting in front of the XBox guessed it-Merc 2. But whatever, I had thing I needed to do, like work on my Calc homework and all that fun jazz.

We, me and Jeff, ended up ripping up some carpeting on the stairs leading up to the second floor, as well as the quarter round all the way around the hardwood floors on the main took too long.

I drove my fam over to my grandparents house for dinner tonight where we spend 4 was fun...we ate dinner, watched some history channel, military channel, and I went down in the basement with my granpa. He had just bought a double barrel .22/.410 O/U that he wanted to show me cause it was the same as mine. I ended up reloading about 100 rounds of shotgun shells on his lil' reloader set he has...its like a 600 Jr. something. I don't know what it is called, but it isn't bad. He shoots lots of trap and skeet and reloads some of the shells, and I reload the rest!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Day Late?

I didn't post in the last 24 hours,as you can see. So, here I am, once again, posting for 2 days:

God you are my God
And I will ever praise you
Oh God you are my God
And I will ever praise you
I will seek you in the morning
And I will learn to walk in you ways
And step by step you ll lead me
And I will follow you all of my days
And step by step you ll lead me
And I will follow you all of my days

For some reason I typed this (one handed) while talking to one of my friends on the phone. I don't know why.

But back to the day.


I didn't have class today, so I slept in till about 7-ish (after going to bed around 1.) I ended up watching my 3 year old lil' sis', I call her Midge...cause she's a midget. Not really, but I'm 6'-6'1"-ish and she is 3 foot nothin' make a comparison...So I babysat her all day...watching her play in her room. I picked my bro, Jeff, up from work some time around 4:30. I mostly wasted the day away; not working on homework, papers, or anything...productive. It wasn't until after getting home from getting Jeff did I work on my paper that was due today. I got it done only to realize I had a Calculus quiz due online my I ended up working on that till 11:57 p.m. slipping in just under the wire literally, cause the quiz is no longer available at 11:59 p.m. that was pretty close. I don't think I did to well on it...but it was just a quiz I keep telling myself.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Recap...busy 3 days!

the last three days I have done NOTHING at home. Really, I have come home to eat and sleep...pretty bad...I'll start on with the first day I didn't blog.

I had my art class today, from 12:30 till 4:30; the roads were pretty bad and I was surprised that school wasn't canceled at all (it should have been!). I handed in 3 of the compositions I made and got an A-, B, and a C. The one I got a C on was kinda lame...but I still handed it in. I bought the game Mercenaries 2: World in Flames and its a pretty cool game. It is a 3rd person, free-roaming, shoot-em-up; that lets you pick from 3 different characters. I played that game for an hour or so before going to hockey at the church with my friends at 7. By the time hockey was over the weather actually got pretty good, and other than a hockey stick to the throat and the ball hitting me just below the ribs in my stomach...I think I did pretty good not getting hurt. That was all I did on Friday because by the time I got home my brother Jeff had been playing Mercenaries 2 for the whole time I was gone and then late into the morning...keeping me awake might I also add.

My Saturday consisted of cleaning my room a lil bit, playing a lil more Mercenaries 2, and going over to my friend's house to watch the Buffalo Sabres take on the New York Rangers. There was probably 10 of us there including their fam. and we just kinda hung out till everybody get there and the game to start. The game was pretty fights though. Sabres 4 Rangers2 final. Miller got hurt cause of Gomez should have been a penalty for hitting the goalie...rvthw. I didn't get to leave till real late cause some of the girls who had come, blocked me in and wouldn't leave...SOOOOO irritating! I went out of my way to go to the bank to activate my debit card, so I could buy gas for the truck. So I get it activated at the ATM and take like $20 out of my account to make sure it works...then go across the street to buy gas at the 24 hour pay at the pump station...and it denies the sale! I could NOT believe it. I drove home praying that I wouldn't run out of gas...and I didn't. God did provide! In fact I never saw the gas gauge move at all...and it is at least a 45 min drive, going an average of 55 mph. I ended up getting home Sunday morning.

It is kinda funny about me driving around at midnight with no gas...because previously to me living at my current house, my parents owned a farm that we all worked on. One day I was sent out to mow hay with our 4250 John Deere and an International disk-bine. I didn't think to look at the gas gauge...well actually diesel...before I left the farm...I drove to the field I needed to cut and looked at the gauge only to see the gauge pinned to "E" and the "Need Fuel" light was on...being young...I didn't know what to do...should I continue and finish mowing the hay and then return home...or go home and refuel. Well I thought my dad would be made at me if I went home without finishing the work, (money was VERY tight and we couldn't afford burning anymore fuel than he absolutely NEEDED to) so I tried to finish the work. Now the field I was mowing was pretty good size. It ended up taking me about 2 and 1/2 hours to finish it. I was praying the entire time for God NOT to let me run out of fuel. Well, I finished the field, got home, drove to the fuel tanks and turned off the tractor, and went to pump fuel in the tank. I looked in to not only see it empty...COMPLETELY empty, but also dry. BONE DRY! The way it gets because the fuel is gone and the engine heat is warming up the tank and evaporating all the moisture...there was no fuel in the was empty...and had been...probably for about an hour and a half. This was not the making of the John Deere, engineers...THIS WAS GOD. He made it possible for this stupid little 16 year old to make it home running on prayer.

Like I said, I got home early this morning, and got up at take my bro, Jeff, down to work at the store. I went to church and it was very good...but I forgot to ask Pastor Mike for the sermon notes...rats!...I'll ask him some other time I guess. But anywaz...we, me and my fam, went out to eat after church, and got some stuff at Lowe's before going home. After I got home I played a lil Merc 2 before picking Jeff up from the store and then heading over to church to play Lacrosse and hockey again with some local kids. We all ended up staying till evening service were I ran the sound board and al that fun stuff.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Understand this from an EVOLUTIONARY standpoint...WHAT?!?!?

The title of this entry is what my psychology teacher kept saying...Give me a break! She says she supports science on evolution, but to calmly explain...THERE IS NO SUPPORT IN SCIENCE FOR EVOLUTION!!!! THAT'S WHY IT IS A THEORY!!!! I'm ok now. I did have fun in that class though, though I HATE it dearly...I did get to share my faith as well as stand up for Divine creation...God brought back a lot of stuff I didn't remember from Ken Ham's books, which was VERY helpful (Thank YOU, God!).

That was my high point of the day really, after school I went to Walmart and got some stuff for my mom, I also got some outrageously taxed and priced pop...we are talking a shelf price of 78 cents...that is used to only cost 65 cents. I bought that so I wouldn't have to keep buying pop from school at $1.50 for a 20 oz., that my friends is a rip off!

I still can not connect to the college server from my house for some strange reason unbeknown to me. Really starting to make my angry...don't worry; I don't throw things...I hit stuff with a baseball garbage cans, and computers, and other stuff...(its from the movie Fireproof...good movie, watch it!)

After working on my paper again tonight, I picked up my guitar for the first time in 3 days. It really is a great feeling to strum some stuff out and listen to the music. I actually still have the guitar on my lap and in between typing and talking on the phone I pick it up and strum some more.

Oops...sorry I never posted...

Well, I guess I should make this post cover a two day time span since I didn't post yesterday...So I will start there.

Yesterday, Wednesday was quite fun. Nothing to profound happened, other than I could not log into my college account. That made it so I could not contact my teachers, which is VERY annoying if you absolutely NEED to reach them. Other than that all I did was apply for admission at Baptist Bible College in Clark Summit, PA; work on a paper for my English class and finish up an art project. Because the website was down I ended up working on the paper until 11:00 last night and was so tired that I actually went to bed before 1:30. That is why I had no post from yesterday, but am posting today to make up for that lacking...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What a day!

Today started as normally as any day in my life possibly could be. I woke up at 6:00 this morning only to lay awake in bed for another 25 min till my 3rd alarm went off. FINALLY I got up to fulfill my routine of the school morning and head off to college. I like getting there early (around 7:30) to get a "premiere" parking space towards the front. Had a quiz in my History today...pretty easy since it was open notebook...I like those! I got out of class early and got to hang out with a friend from Camp Lamoka in between classes. So that was cool. But in my psychology class I got to talk with my teacher about evolution and special creation...which was pretty cool since I attend a secular college. Also after that class I got to share the song, "The Older I Get" by Skillet, with my class and tell them about how I feel that this song is a reflection about how the writer is actually interacting with Jesus Christ, and how Jesus effects me. That also was pretty cool today.

My friend, "His Daughter", who's blog I follow (there is my plug for her blog...which gets more traffic than mine...anywaz), well I got a call from a good friend of ours , Laura, that she was at the doctor's and some stuff was all wrong with her foot. Well later tonight after I was at my grandparents' house, His Daughter called me up to tell me not to worry, and I was like, "Why?" And then I was told that she went to the that was wierd.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Snow, skiing, falling,...and God?

Today I had another fun day of skiing with my friends at Holiday Valley. Having only been skiing a total of 9 times in my life, I have been able to land pretty big jumps and the such. Quite fun really. I must have gone down the terrain park next to Cindy's Run a dozen times or so...each time getting a lil better at the 3 big table-tops there. Overall skiing was good...not too cold, the snow was good too, and we skied most of the daylight away.

I fell many times in my attempt to hit those jumps and go places...but just like real life; we fall before we succeed. Sometimes we never succeed at that one thing we really want to do; but that means it was never to be.

After all I did today, I was reminded about how in life, we don't succeed. Yes, I know, I kinda covered that, but stay with me. Today I was reminded of a friendship that I have with one of my old schoolmates. He hates me...plain and simple. For the longest time I have tried to repair this friendship with him, and every time I think I have it right...he cuts himself off from me, and alienates himself. I see that if I want a change in him; I cannot make it. I need to rely fully on God to make the change.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fun-day Sunday!

Today I had an easy day, so I all started out pretty much wrong having my phone get unplugged in the middle of the night and the battery dying=no alarm clock. That caused me to wake up at 8:30 which is the time we leave for church on Sundays. That meant 3 min. shower, no shave, breakfast, and chew a piece of Strident gum; well none of my family was ready to leave anyway so I hurried up and ate breakfast, shaved and brushed my teeth, then waited for my family to do the same pretty much.

We were about 45 min late for Sunday School which meant we missed opening (which I enjoy) and got to class late. The theme that I got from the message this morning and tonight were pretty much the same, even though they were never meant to coincide like they did. Most of what I was reminded of was trusting in matter the circumstances.

After church we hung out and I talked with my pastor, who is going to be going to another church in March, about worship leading and how was he planning to fill the gaps that he was opening up.

This afternoon I worked on some homework from college and an art collage using only text to create a point of interest using only one color but all shades of that color. It is very annoying because I cannot do half the things I want, cause the teacher has ruled them out. (idk y.)

Like I said church this afternoon was much like church in the morning with what I got out of it; but I did talk with some of the girls I know there, one being Laura, who just got back from touring the CIA on Friday. NO! I do NOT mean the Central Inelegance Agency...gosh...people these, she was at the open house at the Culinary Institute of America.

On our way home from church we stopped at the local supermarket to buy stuff to make subs for tomorrow...(don't make me tell you that we were NOT constructing the ones that go underwater, but the ones you eat...really...what is this world coming too?) Like I was saying, making submarine sandwiches for the skiing trip tomorrow at Holiday Valley. I hope it is good weather like its been these last couple of days.

Well, that's all folks...see ya soon...well, not really, but in a manner of speaking...write to you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another day...

Today was an interesting day, after not going to sleep until 4:30 this morning for no apparent reason; I woke up at 9:30. I stayed in my pajama pants until late this afternoon, not really accomplishing too much.

I ate breakfast pretty late, I facebooked for 40 minutes after getting up. I couldn't get the pics from our WOL trip off Katy's camera for some reason, the computer wouldn't read the SD card. I ended up taking the SD card, plugging it into my computer upstairs loading them on a flash drive, then bringing them downstairs to upload on facebook. It was very irritating because it ended up taking close to 30 min to get the pics to the computer...then uploading them 60 pics at a time! GOSH! But it was worth it, there was close to 180 pics.

I ended up watching my lil sister today, while my parents went to was good for about 45 min until she woke about angry lil sisters. Finally my brother Jeff came home from work and took over watching her; that gave me a break to go play some Guitar Hero: On Tour, and finish my career as an expert bassist.

My mom and lil sister went to some party with old people and my gramma, and I made hamburgers. After dinner I looked up some songs from and played guitar till like 6:50-ish.

I went over to Cafe Shiloh in Geneseo, but none of my friends were going. I hung out with Roy and Kristi, playing some guitar and learning tons. (He's a really good and Godly guitarist.) He left early, around 8:30, and i left about 9-ish after buying a piece of cheasecake for my bro. I've been there 5 or 6 times and never bought anything till today. I though t was going to get pulled over again, but the cop pulled the guy infront of me over...I was VERY thankful! I have been pulled over numerous times, but never convicted of anything. (Mostly it is checking for drunks, or wondering why i didn't have my lights on. Stuff like that.)

I got home without a hitch, other than the police thing, and talked to a couple people over the internet before desiding I should blog before going to bed.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Word of Life trip.

Today I went to Word of Life Biblical Institution. It was very cold there, but an over all pleasant day. I woke up at 3:05 this morning to be at my pastor's house by 4:00, I left a little late and the roads were pretty bad this morning so it took me more time than usual to get there (I had to go the LOOONNNGGG way around); so I was a little late, but they weren't waiting on me to leave, so that was good. It is a 5-5 1/2 hour drive down there, and I was awake all the way (I ended up getting 6 hours of sleep last night).

Most of the ride down I spent talking with Katy and Scott, while 3 other people tried sleeping. One of the ladies from our church gave us a bunch of candy and drink boxes to take with us, and we consumed most of them. I dozed for about 3 or 4 times for about 1 and 1/2 hours...and felt none the more rested. We got to WOL about 9:30-ish and went to registration; we met our guide and talked for 15 minutes before heading over to a 1st year class. At the end of this class we saw our friend Nicholette, who was SUPER surprised that we where there (we left her a message on her phone, but it broke yesterday after falling in a mud puddle...sadness) and she introduced us to a friend by saying, "John! (his name apparently) These are people! (as if he was not aware of that...I look relatively normal) From my church! (Ahhhhh! Clarification FINALLY comes!)

We did have a good time there, and I was sad that i could not spend time with my good friend Ni Fi. The car load of us went over to see WOL Island as well as the WOL Inn. We left to return home at 3:04-ish this afternoon and didn't get back to our pastor's house till like 9:15; it took a long time getting home cause we had to keep stopping. When at all possible, never, I MEAN NEVER, ride with girls in the car, yopu have to stop WAY too much. If guys are going, bring a 2 liter, empty it, then fill it up again, no stops, no prob.

I ended up getting home at 9:30, time enough to get some still kinda warm pizza, and my dad under the sink...I think he was trying to fix something...but it broke...maybe he was just trying to break something then...IDK!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Starting out...

I have wanted to blog for a while now, but never really knew were to go. This works I guess...I'll tell you a little about what I did on Wednesday. I woke up about 6-ish to take a shower and all that; but I didn't have class today, so I left to go skiing at Bristol Mountain, it was pretty icy, but warm, around 50 degrees. Most of the double diamond trails were closed because of lack of snow or the high school girls' racing stuff.

It was me and some friends, Jac, Brad, Jordan (who is the only one that doen't ski, he snowboards), and their mom; we raced quite a bit (my legs are still feeling it); I love the trill of speeding down the hill knowing That I'm not that good and one wrong move will pretty much send me flying out of control. I found that I enjoy racing other people, even if I know I can't win! I could still beat Jordan, Jac, and their mom...but not Brad, he's been skiing for many more years than me; seeing as i have only skied on full year now (which translates into about 8 times actually skiing).

I fell twice in the same spot in an attempt to get an edge on Brad. My ski broke halfway though the terrain park...well...not my ski really, but the brake that normally resides under your boot, yeah, that fell off. The guys at the lift helped me out; they fixed it so i could at least finish out a couple slopes before we left. Well we all skied from 9 in the morning till about 3 in the afternoon, we didn't use the full eight hours cause the rain was getting pretty bad.

The ride home was pretty uneventful, Jordan slept, Jac read her book, their mom drove and Brad just talked...I did nothing...(I am boring.) One thing that did happen was I learned that one of my friends from school just engaged so that was pretty cool, I don't know the girl, but that's ok for now.

We got back home the my friends' house and unpacked all the ski stuff. I showed Jac how to post pics and videos on facebook before we left for youth group at my church. I am a "listener" for the TNT (Tweens iN Traning) 4th though 6th graders. One of the kids i listen too, Noah, just finished his book, we are talking about memorizing over 100 verses of the Bible; plus the books of the Bible, Old and New Testament; very cool if you ask me.

To close this up, I don't want this to be all about me...even though I'm such an awesome person..(jk). But really, I am rereading though the book of Joshua, and God has been teaching me to really trust on Him, and in His time. Hopefully I will keep current with this and try to make it interesting for you.