Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, College and Gramm's

I am tired; this past week and a half I think I am up to 28 hrs of sleep. I got a total of 16 hrs of sleep Friday and Saturday nights...and 12 hrs to split up among the bed times from 2-4 only to wake up at 6. I had history, psychology, and English today; I hate these classes. They are evil, I really do mean it. So much of what is being taught is so wrong, morally. In history, America is evil, Imperialistic, found on Deism, and greed. True some of these things are correct, but there is so much more to it than that. What about the Puritans, Pilgrims, and so many more groups who came for religious freedom? They are ignored. Psychology: we are all animals with only two things in our minds, survival of ourselves: protection; and survival of our genes: procreation. WHAT?!?!? We are taught that we are animals, and there is no right or wrong; everything is chemical reactions to experiences that we have had...again I say, "WHAT?!?!?" English: study of the humanities, arts. Do we study "The Last Supper", "Christ on Calvary", or other "good" works of art by da Vinci, Raphael, Angelo, or others? No...we study crap; worthless, corrupt crap, not even worth mentioning.

Well I did go to my Gramm's house, and that was fun. Got to hang out with Erica and Cory two of my cousins. We played the game "Fact or Crap" and that was fun. I won, I got 52 tokens. The game is all about trivia from around the world in every topic imaginable. Pretty fun game.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the world just has a way of twisting everything up. History and Art; two things that are great in themselves,but are twisted up to be junk and worthlessness. We have to learn to see thru it all and look at the good stuff beneath.
