Saturday, May 23, 2009

Movie Night

Today was pretty tiring. We worked all day on the yard and stuff on the house. In the afternoon me and Jeff went up to the Corral and saw Night at the Museum 2 and X-Men Origins: Wolverine both were pretty good movies. It was a lot of fun to just hang out with my bro. We played one game and won like a crap load of tickets...its the one game you think you would never win at. Its the one that you drop the coin in and the little pushers slide the coins to the edge and you get tickets...well we won over 600 tickets on $5.00! It was great, and to think I didn't want to go! We did see Ted and Liz Wolf there, they had their kids, Claire, Grace, and Sam with their friends. I haven't seen them since we moved, they are really nice people and I kinda miss not having them as neighbors.

Well that pretty much sums up the day in short.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5/20 (Yes that was a while ago)

To day I worked on cleaning up the yard for most of the day. I worked on a video from some media I took on the "Anything Goes Game Night" (video clips/pics). I finished that up around 10-ish. I love making videos with pictures and stuff, it is a lot of fun. I use Windows Movie Maker; if any of you have a better (FREE, SAFE, and preferably LEGAL) version like a freeware movie maker that is better I would try it out.

Also today I figured out where I am going to college; it was between Baptist Bible College (BBC) or Davis College. I had a fleece test or two (kinda like Gideon) the first fleece was who ever accepted me first, well BBC should have because they had my information the longest, but Davis beat them out by 2 days. The second was not so much as a "test" but constantly asking for direction. One thing I learned (more like reinforced for me) was that God ALWAYS answers prayer! DUH! But really, sometimes it takes you asking (bothering) Him about it all the time. You need to prove to yourself sometimes if you are truly serious about wanting an answer. Well, this is how the second test came out: Conroy, from Davis College called up, he is a pastoral consentration who is now on staff at Davis. He was an international student from Jamaica (and he has a really cool accent and is just really cool in general). I came in from working and my mom was talking on the phone, no biggy, whatever; so I went up staires and took a shower. When I came out I found out that my mom was waiting to pass the phone off to me, because the guy wanted to talk to me...they talked for like 50 min or something! CRAZY!!! I found out his name was conroy and he just wanted to hear about my testimony and about what God was doing in my life. So we ended up talking for about another 30 min or something. The thing was though, before he hung up he asked if there was anything that I would like him to pray about; and I told him that I would like him to pray that I would make the right decision in college and I commented that I wish that God's will would be as plain and as understandable as the writing on the wall (but where is the faith in that?). But as he prayed, I felt God speak to me very simply, He said, "This is the place for you, where I want you to be." Now I am not one for having spiritual experiences or anything like that, but seriously....THIS WAS AS PLAIN AS THE WRITING ON THE WALL!!!! It was pretty awesome!

So yeah, Davis is my college.

It has been a While...

I haven't posted in quite a while...but there has been a reason...most of my posts would be very depressing. You might say, "WHAT?!?!" or, "I knew it!" But whatever you say, it really doesn't matter, and here is why, God has taught me so much in the last 2 weeks. School, or should I say college, has finished up this last week, and you might think that would make me happy...but for me, this may have marked one of my biggest failures. This is probably my biggest failure because it is my first major failure (in school at least) and it was very hard to get over...mostly because it wasn't my fault. I know, I know, you've heard that a million times before...and here is why this isn't one of those times...In my last post I complained about Rent and because I did not watch the movie I had to take a hit on final papers because, "I could not fulfill the requirements of the assigned task."

But you know...its OK; it took a bit of convincing from some friends, but they finally got it though my thick head. This is kinda short, but there is so much more...and it is like 1:15 right I guess this is good night or good morning or good afternoon...whenever you read this.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It could have been worse...

Well today was not a BAD wasn't all that of a good day. We have been watching Rent for the last class and today, and I have a major problem with it and I only watch 50 min of it! I know, there may be some of you people who REALLY LOVE the production, but, I do I do not hate ALL of it...only parts of it. What I DO like: 1) the music, it is awesome, from what I saw of it the guitar playing and other instruments were awesome together...unfortunately that's all I have to say on that side of's what I did NOT like about it: 1) it was lewd, the HUGELY emphasized sexual themes and nudity were all very much uncalled for; 2) the almost glorification of drug use and reference needed not be there; and lastly (there is more but it is included by these main themes) 3) the production is mainly about community love...but really the whole thing is about lust, plain and simple...whether it was lust from Roger (HIV possitive musician) towards Mimi (HIV positive exotic dancer), or one girl for another in the case of the lesbians Maureen (bisexual performance artist) and Joanne Jefferson (a lawyer and lesbian), or one guy for another in the case of Angel (a gay drag queen percussionist with AIDS) and Tom (a gay philosophy professor and anarchist with AIDS). So yeah...this goes against pretty much everything I believe and don't think it was worth watching 50 min. of it at all...