Today was AWESOME! I got to go skiing with Cody today! It was so awesome, took a bunch of pics with that awesome new camera. It was so much fun filming him! I took a bunch of videos and made kind of like a mini movie, that was a lot of fun, I never played with Windows Movie Maker before so the movie is pretty simple.
I loved every minute of the time, Cody did a lot of freestyle stuff, just warming up while all I did was work on landing my jumps. He is a really good snowboarder
I left my house at 6:30 this morning, got to his house in Bliss at 7:30, left from there and got to Holiday Valley in Ellicottville at 8:30...only to find that the lifts don't open till 9:00...oh well! We waited until 9:00 and i went to get the White Cards but couldn't find the one that I borrowed! I looked EVERYWHERE! No where to be found. Cody kept offering to pay for his pass, but I had promised him that it wouldn't cost him anything to go to Holiday Valley so I wasn't gonna let him pay (after all it was my own carelessness that forgot the card). Then I remembered something, something that I know was God's doing...when I was skiing on Monday, I was on my way out the door to start the day off and I stopped to fix my boot. I was kneeling in the front room where the lift tickets were sold and I heard this guy using his White Card swipe AND his free March pass on the same day. You see, with the White Cards the card holder is eligible for 9 8 hour lift tickets any non-holiday weekday and one "anytime" 8 hour pass to be used in March. So yeah, it didn't end up costing anything because God reminded me of that, which was pretty cool.
Well we skied and then left for home around 2:30-ish...on my way home my friend Pat called me and wondered if I wanted to play hockey...OF COURSE I DID! So I played hockey at the church until pretty late. My teams won all their games! WE ROCKED! I was very sore...and tired.
that was SOOO fun!! we gotta go more next year!