I can't believe it, I forgot my debit card again...I can't get my license until tomorrow...grrr!
Well I had classes today, history, psychology, and English. I think I will be able to go for certain on the 2nd. We have a meeting with the teacher in English class, my last class of Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I should be able to get home before we have to leave. That will be good. I $10 in quarters so I went to BJ's and bought some "Big League Chew" (don't worry I don't chew tobacco, for those of you who don't know what "BLC" is, it is shredded bubble gum...and also is the stuff Napoleon Dynamite is chewing in the bathroom of the school. I got the big pack (its like 10 pouches) for just under $10, which is good cause thats all the money I had. Danny really wanted some and I told him I would get it for him.
We went to my grandparents' house. We weren't gonna stay real long cause Midge didn't get a very good nap but as it turns out we didn't leave until almost 10:00...she was crabby; and my mom made me drive home, and I am still driving illegally cause you are supposed to have your license on you at all times when driving...grrr.
Lesson learned: Don't lose your wallet.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
I still can't find my wallet
I CAN'T FIND MY WALLET!!!! still...I went to the DMV today to try to get another license...but found out that it cost $15...If you read my earlier posts, you already know that, I DON'T HAVE $15!...epic fail. I also forgot my debit card at home...so I couldn't pay for it that way, and I was kinda pressed for time cause I had to get home eat and then leave my house for karate (I had my weight lifting class just before I went to the DMV.) So I went home ate, filled out the replacement license form, and went to karate; government agencies are annoying... We learned some more self defense stuff in karate, its pretty fun. It tires me out.
I figured with my luck...or lack or it, I figured I would be pulled over by a police officer or get in a accident or something fun like that. But that didn't happen, thankfully. I have to go tomorrow to see if I can get it. I hate not having that stupid piece of plastic...grrrr.
The lesson I learned today was, NEVER LOSE YOUR WALLET WITH IMPORTANT STUFF IN IT!!! OK, I'm good now.
I figured with my luck...or lack or it, I figured I would be pulled over by a police officer or get in a accident or something fun like that. But that didn't happen, thankfully. I have to go tomorrow to see if I can get it. I hate not having that stupid piece of plastic...grrrr.
The lesson I learned today was, NEVER LOSE YOUR WALLET WITH IMPORTANT STUFF IN IT!!! OK, I'm good now.
drivers license,
self defense,
weight lifting
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tiring Day at Church.
I was tired today...what else is new? Like really? I'm always tired. Partly because my body clock is all messed up and I can't fall asleep until after 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning and also cause I wake up so early at 6:00 every day. The other part of my tiredness is the fact that I am STILL sick (probably because I'm not getting enough rest). I was supposed to plan out worship for this week and I forgot partly and didn't have the time when I remembered. So because I dropped the ball on this one Jac ended up helping me out and planning the whole thing (which I feel very bad about cause it was my responsibility and I messed up.).
It was pretty hard to sing this morning, I am not really that great of a singer anywaz, but with a cold it is worse. The morning service went well, Mike helped me out a ton in one of the songs that there was a guy and girl part...evening service was a challenge, I ended up running sound board and because I didn't have the songs prepared I did not know what transitions I had to do. But through it all God did what He does and despite my failures His message came through. Don't worry I'm not taking this as an excuse for not having to fulfill my responsibilities but that despite my short comings my God is there to back me up.
That was the biggest lesson I learned, not having it all together really bugs me. And I don't like it at ALL! But God is teaching me more and more to trust Him that He WILL take care of me no matter WHAT challenge we are put through; we can overcome, if we let God take control.
It was pretty hard to sing this morning, I am not really that great of a singer anywaz, but with a cold it is worse. The morning service went well, Mike helped me out a ton in one of the songs that there was a guy and girl part...evening service was a challenge, I ended up running sound board and because I didn't have the songs prepared I did not know what transitions I had to do. But through it all God did what He does and despite my failures His message came through. Don't worry I'm not taking this as an excuse for not having to fulfill my responsibilities but that despite my short comings my God is there to back me up.
That was the biggest lesson I learned, not having it all together really bugs me. And I don't like it at ALL! But God is teaching me more and more to trust Him that He WILL take care of me no matter WHAT challenge we are put through; we can overcome, if we let God take control.
evening service,
morning service,
sound board,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Bridge @ the Cafe.
I went to the Cafe today, it was a lot of fun. Got to listen to the Bridge: Gary Murphee, on guitar; Jeff, on drums; and Jon, on bass, playing some sweet tunes. These guys are REALLY good. If you ever get the chance take the time...these guys are really good.
I got to hang out with some of my friends there; it was good to see some people I haven't seen in a while.
Gary started out using his acoustic at the beginning but used his Epiphone Dot for the second set. It was a beautiful day in Geneseo. I don't know what else to say. I didn't have classes cause it was a Saturday, and life was pretty slow...moving towards the 7:00 time.
Oh, I still don't have a wallet. I can't find it anywhere...it is REALLY annoying; cause like I don't have a license, or gift cards, or money, or hunting license. I DO have my debit card, which is good...so I can get SOME money...I just lost the money that was in the wallet. Also it is pretty unnerving having to drive around in police infested towns without it...I don't enjoy breaking the law. It just happens. This has taught me to drive more carefully...not that I was a reckless driver, but if you get pulled over for anything you get two tickets instead of one...not cool.
acoustic guitar,
Cafe Shiloh,
electric guitar,
epiphone dot,
gift cards,
The Bridge,
Friday, March 27, 2009
So I had my classes and all that, but none of that compares to what I got... bought... today. Its a guitar! I love it so much. It is a Yamaha APX 500.
I could write about the rest of my day, like art class and weight lifting...but this was pretty much the best thing that happened...I did go to hockey and got to see some amazing people, and that was fun, but I really like playing that guitar.
APX 500,
art class,
electric/acoustic guitar,
weight lifting,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
More college...and sore muscles...
I had my "normal" classes today, gosh I hurt. All my muscles in my upper body KILL! We worked out doing lovely sit-ups, push-ups, and squats. I did 36 sit-ups in 60 seconds, 20 push-ups in 30 seconds, and 37 squats in 60 seconds. I was so tired...that was the first 20 min of class actually. After that we where to work out until 11:00...so I went and played around with some of the machines and started lifting on the bench press machine of sorts and was feeling VERY weak cause I was only lifting 85 pounds. I found out after the fact that that is 85 pounds per arm...so...yeah.
I still do not like psychology, even though it is easy...I don't like it. Ugh! Evolutionary psychologists...
Today Katy told me that I was invited to the Lutz's house on the 2nd...I hope that all works out, cause I haven't really had time to spend with them. Last time I was there I we didn't really have time to spend cause Cody and I were going to Holiday Valley for the day. I do just wanna hang out with them...it will be fun if I can work everything out.
I still do not like psychology, even though it is easy...I don't like it. Ugh! Evolutionary psychologists...
Today Katy told me that I was invited to the Lutz's house on the 2nd...I hope that all works out, cause I haven't really had time to spend with them. Last time I was there I we didn't really have time to spend cause Cody and I were going to Holiday Valley for the day. I do just wanna hang out with them...it will be fun if I can work everything out.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Still sick but slowly healing...
I had classes today, the first classes in history, psychology, and English since break. My cold is still pretty bad, I am on like 3 diff meds. every day. Some form of either night quill or day quill, some "Zycam" stuff (doesn't do anything), tussen, and ibuprofen, plus a menagerie of cough drops or analgesic throat spray so stop from coughing up a lung. Its pretty annoying. I think it might be because I don't get as much sleep as I have been getting, or SHOULD be getting, but I'm working on that.
I forgot how much I hate my psychology class, and the obnoxious over emphasis on evolution and evolutionary psychology, which is basic psychology...same diff I guess. Ugh! Make me sick. Wait, I already am...nevermind!
I went to my grandparents' house for dinner, like we do every Tuesday, it was fun...I took my guitar and my lil' cousin (who isn't all that little) played around with it and playing some fun riffs from stuff like: "Stairway to Heaven," "Smoke on the Water," "Sweet Child O' Mine," and "Strutter." It was a lot of fun; I love playing guitar. We stayed pretty late again tonight, around 9:00, Midge started to get cranky so we had to leave. We watched more military channel...some show called "Top Sniper" it was pretty cool, basically was a training and proving course for elite snipers.
I forgot how much I hate my psychology class, and the obnoxious over emphasis on evolution and evolutionary psychology, which is basic psychology...same diff I guess. Ugh! Make me sick. Wait, I already am...nevermind!
I went to my grandparents' house for dinner, like we do every Tuesday, it was fun...I took my guitar and my lil' cousin (who isn't all that little) played around with it and playing some fun riffs from stuff like: "Stairway to Heaven," "Smoke on the Water," "Sweet Child O' Mine," and "Strutter." It was a lot of fun; I love playing guitar. We stayed pretty late again tonight, around 9:00, Midge started to get cranky so we had to leave. We watched more military channel...some show called "Top Sniper" it was pretty cool, basically was a training and proving course for elite snipers.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Classes...new ones...Phys Ed.!
This weekend I was still sick, and not much really happened, other than I helped lead worship with 3 amazing people, which is a LOT of fun. Now I know why Pastor Mike liked it so much. But yeah, that is the majority of the weekend.
Today I had my first physical education classes like EVER! At my school where I attended from 2nd grade, we had gym class, but we did not get a "grade" per say but a...level of satisfaction...basically we pass no matter what, but we might get a bad mark on our report card if we don't participate. Well my class(es) today was weight lifting and karate...weight lifting is a 55 min. class and we did absolutely nothing, while karate is a 1 hr and 20 min class and we did a bunch of stuff. The teacher, Jones, is an 8th degree black belt and is the 6th step from Bruce Lee's instruction. She taught some basic punches and form; in this form the punch is made with a vertical fist and the point of contact is the first 2 knuckles. It was kinda hard to take her seriously, but I should work on that if I want to get any where in this class. There was one dude, about the same age as me that made me mad. He was there showin' off all his cool moves like some jumps kicks and stuff and the teacher, who was clearly not impressed, asked him to stop and he kept it up...unfortunately this is not a dojo and we arn't allowed to spar, cause I would PAY big money I don't have to watch the teacher show him how much he knows...I hate people who have to show off how good they think they are...
Today I had my first physical education classes like EVER! At my school where I attended from 2nd grade, we had gym class, but we did not get a "grade" per say but a...level of satisfaction...basically we pass no matter what, but we might get a bad mark on our report card if we don't participate. Well my class(es) today was weight lifting and karate...weight lifting is a 55 min. class and we did absolutely nothing, while karate is a 1 hr and 20 min class and we did a bunch of stuff. The teacher, Jones, is an 8th degree black belt and is the 6th step from Bruce Lee's instruction. She taught some basic punches and form; in this form the punch is made with a vertical fist and the point of contact is the first 2 knuckles. It was kinda hard to take her seriously, but I should work on that if I want to get any where in this class. There was one dude, about the same age as me that made me mad. He was there showin' off all his cool moves like some jumps kicks and stuff and the teacher, who was clearly not impressed, asked him to stop and he kept it up...unfortunately this is not a dojo and we arn't allowed to spar, cause I would PAY big money I don't have to watch the teacher show him how much he knows...I hate people who have to show off how good they think they are...
report cards,
weight lifting,
worship leaders
Friday, March 20, 2009
2 cameras, 18 hours, 180 miles, 1 ski resort, 12 church hockey games and one cold=me being very tired and sore...
Today was AWESOME! I got to go skiing with Cody today! It was so awesome, took a bunch of pics with that awesome new camera. It was so much fun filming him! I took a bunch of videos and made kind of like a mini movie, that was a lot of fun, I never played with Windows Movie Maker before so the movie is pretty simple.
I loved every minute of the time, Cody did a lot of freestyle stuff, just warming up while all I did was work on landing my jumps. He is a really good snowboarder
I left my house at 6:30 this morning, got to his house in Bliss at 7:30, left from there and got to Holiday Valley in Ellicottville at 8:30...only to find that the lifts don't open till 9:00...oh well! We waited until 9:00 and i went to get the White Cards but couldn't find the one that I borrowed! I looked EVERYWHERE! No where to be found. Cody kept offering to pay for his pass, but I had promised him that it wouldn't cost him anything to go to Holiday Valley so I wasn't gonna let him pay (after all it was my own carelessness that forgot the card). Then I remembered something, something that I know was God's doing...when I was skiing on Monday, I was on my way out the door to start the day off and I stopped to fix my boot. I was kneeling in the front room where the lift tickets were sold and I heard this guy using his White Card swipe AND his free March pass on the same day. You see, with the White Cards the card holder is eligible for 9 8 hour lift tickets any non-holiday weekday and one "anytime" 8 hour pass to be used in March. So yeah, it didn't end up costing anything because God reminded me of that, which was pretty cool.
Well we skied and then left for home around 2:30-ish...on my way home my friend Pat called me and wondered if I wanted to play hockey...OF COURSE I DID! So I played hockey at the church until pretty late. My teams won all their games! WE ROCKED! I was very sore...and tired.
Holiday Valley,
White Cards
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sick of being tired....and sick.
Well I was going to go skiing today with one of my friends, Cody, but it turned out for the best. It was pretty warm and a warm day skiing is not all that great, I'm talking like 50 degrees...that means more of those mashed potatoes that I had to deal with Monday...but tomorrow is looking better.
I bought a camera Tuesday...and I hate it! It takes the WORST pics EVER! For starters I don't like using the flash; my theory if I can focus on the object with my blurry eyes, then the camera should be able to focus...but this one doesn't, very disappointing. So I took it back today and bought another one from BJ's. It is a Olympus Stylus, 10.1 mega pixel, with a 7x optical zoom, it takes only the Olympus xD cards, but it comes with a micro SD card converter. I am glad it has a micro SD converter cause otherwise I would be stuck using a 128 MB card and a 16 MB card...and when I use the highest quality that 128 MB card can only fit 50 pics...not good.
But yeah, I can't wait to take it to Holiday Valley tomorrow and try it out. It will be a lot of fun trying to figure out stuff literally on the fly (skiing down the hill follow camming I'm hoping!)
But yeah, all this fun has come with a price, I am sick...not fun. I have a REALLY bad head cold. I woke up with it and it has stuck with me all day...I hope it goes away before tomorrow. If not the day won't be a waste...
I bought a camera Tuesday...and I hate it! It takes the WORST pics EVER! For starters I don't like using the flash; my theory if I can focus on the object with my blurry eyes, then the camera should be able to focus...but this one doesn't, very disappointing. So I took it back today and bought another one from BJ's. It is a Olympus Stylus, 10.1 mega pixel, with a 7x optical zoom, it takes only the Olympus xD cards, but it comes with a micro SD card converter. I am glad it has a micro SD converter cause otherwise I would be stuck using a 128 MB card and a 16 MB card...and when I use the highest quality that 128 MB card can only fit 50 pics...not good.
But yeah, I can't wait to take it to Holiday Valley tomorrow and try it out. It will be a lot of fun trying to figure out stuff literally on the fly (skiing down the hill follow camming I'm hoping!)
But yeah, all this fun has come with a price, I am sick...not fun. I have a REALLY bad head cold. I woke up with it and it has stuck with me all day...I hope it goes away before tomorrow. If not the day won't be a waste...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday, warm day means yard work...
Today I was so tired from skiing yesterday, it wasn't really funny. But It was warm today. I am looking to go skiing again on Thursday or Friday; and looking to take a friend...Thursday looks better.
I worked outside some today. Cutting and shaping some of the shrubbery around the house; I REALLY cut back some of the flowering shrubs too...My mom had me cut them back so far, I don't think they are going to bloom this year, which will be a bummer cause they look so cool cause there are like a million little yellow flowers on the HUGE bush. I ended up using the chainsaw to do pretty much all the work...including trimming the hedges...kinda like the Family Life Network morning show song...gotta love those guys!
I started signing up for more classes...even while on spring break I just can't seam to stay away from that whole college thing...I signed up for weight lifting, that should be an interesting class...I am taking that class on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 10:10 till 11:05, which will make me all good and tired out for my karate class on Monday and Wednesday at 3:40 till 5:00.
I went into college today to get a request to send out my transcript...that was fun, cause they didn't have power...like it kept blinking in and out. I decided to finally buy that camera today...so I walked into Walmart and bought one...but I got home...and it wasn't the one I wanted. It takes TERRIBLE pics...you Have to use the flash otherwise the pictures come out grainy and blurry. I don't like it...I HAVE to take it back...I can't stand it.
I worked outside some today. Cutting and shaping some of the shrubbery around the house; I REALLY cut back some of the flowering shrubs too...My mom had me cut them back so far, I don't think they are going to bloom this year, which will be a bummer cause they look so cool cause there are like a million little yellow flowers on the HUGE bush. I ended up using the chainsaw to do pretty much all the work...including trimming the hedges...kinda like the Family Life Network morning show song...gotta love those guys!
I started signing up for more classes...even while on spring break I just can't seam to stay away from that whole college thing...I signed up for weight lifting, that should be an interesting class...I am taking that class on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 10:10 till 11:05, which will make me all good and tired out for my karate class on Monday and Wednesday at 3:40 till 5:00.
I went into college today to get a request to send out my transcript...that was fun, cause they didn't have power...like it kept blinking in and out. I decided to finally buy that camera today...so I walked into Walmart and bought one...but I got home...and it wasn't the one I wanted. It takes TERRIBLE pics...you Have to use the flash otherwise the pictures come out grainy and blurry. I don't like it...I HAVE to take it back...I can't stand it.
Family Life Network,
spring break,
weight lifting
Monday, March 16, 2009
Skiing Solo.
Today was my first day of spring break. I went skiing today, it was fun to just drive up to Ellicottville and ski all day. It was
kind of a downer that I didn't have any of my friends to come with me... The skiing was pretty good, I was the first one down Morning Star. It was around 30 degrees, so everything was still pretty solid, but later it warmed up. I did some jumps, I am still working on landing, and also overcoming my will and hitting the jumps faster to go farther. Yeah pretty scary stuff. I rode up the lift with a 4 different people: one older couple was from a little town aboot 70 km north of Toronto, another guy stays at Holiday Valley all winter and skies everyday, and the last one was a guy who skis at HV about as often as me.
saw a Very interesting family while skiing, the ENTIRE family was wearing "spring wear" like shorts and t-shirts and stuff...the little boy looked the funniest cause he had these shorts on with thes BIG HONKIN' snowboarding boots. He is sitting in the middle of the lift. It was pretty funny.
A lot of the boarders were having problems later in the day. The sun came out after lunch and it warmed up to 50-ish degrees; it ended up making like mashed potatoes...about 4-5 inches of mashed potatoes...not too fun...but VERY funny to watch from the lift. It was a very good day
, I got a lot of runs. I tried to stay off the lift as much as possible, going pretty much all the way down the mountain before getting on a lift at the very end.
The drive home was not too bad...instead of driving home like the way I came (Rte. 98 to E. Arcade to 36 to 242) I just went 242 to 36 to 98. Which was simpler, since all I really had to do was to keep driving on that same road...quite simple. Fun day. I LOVE SKIING!
A lot of the boarders were having problems later in the day. The sun came out after lunch and it warmed up to 50-ish degrees; it ended up making like mashed potatoes...about 4-5 inches of mashed potatoes...not too fun...but VERY funny to watch from the lift. It was a very good day
The drive home was not too bad...instead of driving home like the way I came (Rte. 98 to E. Arcade to 36 to 242) I just went 242 to 36 to 98. Which was simpler, since all I really had to do was to keep driving on that same road...quite simple. Fun day. I LOVE SKIING!
Holiday Valley,
Morning Star,
snow boarding,
spring break,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday again. Learning experiences.
I never posted for yesterday...and I don't really remember too much about it...other than I ended up cleaning the bathroom, and me and Jeff went up to Cafe Shiloh in Geneseo...but the cafe was closed. Kristi was there and she let us in, but she was there to use the Internet...and we did too. I waited for one of my friends, Roy, until 8:30 but we figured he had already come and gone seeing that the closed sign was up.
Jeff wanted o go to Walmart so we did...and we bought Fallout 3 for XBox 360...it is a pretty fun game...Jeff has played it almost every moment he is home, except when he is sleeping or eating...I played it a little bit...there is the main quest and side quests...but I kinda just like to gallivant across the countryside taking care of bandits and also the myriads of pesky bees and giant rats.
We came home around 10:00 and Jeff was playing it until 1:00 or 2:00.
OK Sunday.
Today was the first official Sunday that "Pastor Mike," our associate pastor, was not there and pastoring his new church down in Ithaca. Jac, Mike, and I lead singing in the morning service and Jac, Laura, and I lead singing in the evening service. I would really like to get some younger guys (and girls, but guys espessially) to joint our little trio since the 3 (4 if you count Mike) is leaving for college this next fall, and Jac and I are going off to work at camp all summer long.
Because of today, and how it went, we have come up with a new way of figuering up worship since we are going to be doing this for both services from the way things look.
I would apperciate prayer in finding the next generation of worship leaders...since it has kinda fallen on me to do so...
Jeff wanted o go to Walmart so we did...and we bought Fallout 3 for XBox 360...it is a pretty fun game...Jeff has played it almost every moment he is home, except when he is sleeping or eating...I played it a little bit...there is the main quest and side quests...but I kinda just like to gallivant across the countryside taking care of bandits and also the myriads of pesky bees and giant rats.
We came home around 10:00 and Jeff was playing it until 1:00 or 2:00.
OK Sunday.
Today was the first official Sunday that "Pastor Mike," our associate pastor, was not there and pastoring his new church down in Ithaca. Jac, Mike, and I lead singing in the morning service and Jac, Laura, and I lead singing in the evening service. I would really like to get some younger guys (and girls, but guys espessially) to joint our little trio since the 3 (4 if you count Mike) is leaving for college this next fall, and Jac and I are going off to work at camp all summer long.
Because of today, and how it went, we have come up with a new way of figuering up worship since we are going to be doing this for both services from the way things look.
I would apperciate prayer in finding the next generation of worship leaders...since it has kinda fallen on me to do so...
associate pastor,
Cafe Shiloh,
evening service,
Fallout 3,
morning service,
worship leaders,
XBox 360
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Art of hockey...not really, I'm not that good.
Man, I was sooooo tired tonight...I just got home from playing hockey. I had my very last art class before spring break...I am so glad. One whole week of not having to go to college. My teacher let us out early today...I think she wanted a head start on spring break too...that was good. I'm glad she is nice once in a while.
I got home only to remember that today was Friday...and what do I do almost every Friday? I play hockey...I was already tired...then to go play hockey with my friends...MAJOR tiredness...no...more like General Tiredness. But anywaz, every game that we played my team won...I was just lucky to be on the winning team; I played I think 6 sets, which is best 2 out of 3...I ended up coming home early at 9:15 and the guys played another 2 sets afterward. I was so whipped. my whole body ached for Ibuprofen...I actually escaped without getting any major injuries, and for that I am thankful.
I got home only to remember that today was Friday...and what do I do almost every Friday? I play hockey...I was already tired...then to go play hockey with my friends...MAJOR tiredness...no...more like General Tiredness. But anywaz, every game that we played my team won...I was just lucky to be on the winning team; I played I think 6 sets, which is best 2 out of 3...I ended up coming home early at 9:15 and the guys played another 2 sets afterward. I was so whipped. my whole body ached for Ibuprofen...I actually escaped without getting any major injuries, and for that I am thankful.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Chalk another one done.
My last full day of classes is done before spring break...I can't wait. I'm thinking about skiing next week...if there is enough snow that is...
I was completely bored in all of my classes...this is no longer out of the ordinary for me now. I handed in my paper on a not very interesting book...Separate from the World...and stayed at school until 1:00 to listen to the author tell about his book and old people debate. (Waste of time) But because I stayed for that extra little class, I don't have to do the essay on the mid-term for English. Maybe it wasn't wasted after all...more like invested. So far no one has posted on my "Question" post...maybe next week...
I was completely bored in all of my classes...this is no longer out of the ordinary for me now. I handed in my paper on a not very interesting book...Separate from the World...and stayed at school until 1:00 to listen to the author tell about his book and old people debate. (Waste of time) But because I stayed for that extra little class, I don't have to do the essay on the mid-term for English. Maybe it wasn't wasted after all...more like invested. So far no one has posted on my "Question" post...maybe next week...
Normally I do not post in the middle of the day...but I am, only because I wanted some feedback and maybe catch some other people who might happen upon my blog...anywaz. this is my question precluded my a little background, simple enough(I hope.) I am looking to purchase an electric/acoustic guitar; I am NOT spending more that $450 on it...I know this limits what I can get...but I am limited in funds. I would like something that holds some likeliness to playing an electric guitar, but still loud enough to play un-amped.
I would like a cut-away so that I can use the upper 12-22 frets, and would like a minimum of 22 frets. I am not picky as who makes the guitar, as reliable name is a plus. I am passed the stage of beginner and am serious in wanting a good, lasting guitar. I like it in black, only because I like black acoustic guitars...they look cool, other than the fingerprints. I am not to sure what else, but feedback is defenatly wanted on this. As I am looking to buy one sometime next week.
I would like a cut-away so that I can use the upper 12-22 frets, and would like a minimum of 22 frets. I am not picky as who makes the guitar, as reliable name is a plus. I am passed the stage of beginner and am serious in wanting a good, lasting guitar. I like it in black, only because I like black acoustic guitars...they look cool, other than the fingerprints. I am not to sure what else, but feedback is defenatly wanted on this. As I am looking to buy one sometime next week.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Just ask "Please"
I had another boringly fun day today. (That seems redundant, "day today"...idk...it is I guess.) apart from that it wasn't too bad. I woke up at 9:00 after staying up late last night. I could not go to sleep so I ended up praying a lot. The last time I remember seeing on my phone was 2:30 something, like 2:34? I watched my little sister, Midge, from a lil' before 10:00 when my mom took Jeff down to work then went to the local school here to look at enrolling my little sister into nursery school. So during this time I went upstairs and played a little Merc 2 for an hour, and Midge told me instead of throwing the people out of the tanks...my little sister told me, "You don't need to grab him, you just ask PLEASE." She is such a saint-ess...not really.
I went to Awana after spending the day cleaning up my room some more. I picked up all the clothes and put the clean ones away. I don't know how I ever ended up with such a messy room...I always used to keep it clean...but I was always in it...now I am never in it and it keeps getting messy. Anywaz, at Awana I listened to my two guys. Unfortunately they did not have anything for me to sign tonight...and we never finished anything.
I got home and my brother who is married called. I talked to him for a good half hour or so about his modifications that he is making to his guitars. He is the one who got me into making my own. I had some good times talking with a couple of my very good friends tonight...and late into this morning. (As it is currently 12:30a.m. as I write/type this.) But after the neutral day I had today (referring to Wednesday) this morning (Thursday) I have had a good lesson. Talking about relationships, and who is first in them...is it the other person...or is it God?
I went to Awana after spending the day cleaning up my room some more. I picked up all the clothes and put the clean ones away. I don't know how I ever ended up with such a messy room...I always used to keep it clean...but I was always in it...now I am never in it and it keeps getting messy. Anywaz, at Awana I listened to my two guys. Unfortunately they did not have anything for me to sign tonight...and we never finished anything.
I got home and my brother who is married called. I talked to him for a good half hour or so about his modifications that he is making to his guitars. He is the one who got me into making my own. I had some good times talking with a couple of my very good friends tonight...and late into this morning. (As it is currently 12:30a.m. as I write/type this.) But after the neutral day I had today (referring to Wednesday) this morning (Thursday) I have had a good lesson. Talking about relationships, and who is first in them...is it the other person...or is it God?
making guitars,
Mercenaries 2,
nursery school,
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
School again...then to G&G's House.
It is terrible...the past few days I mean. My mom got facebook...and she is ALWAYS on! She has had it since Friday, and she gets on it every night. She uses the excuse that this computer is her computer that is why she can kick me off of it. So I asked her if I could hook the internet up to MY computer and she said no...bummer.
I had class today, I learned nothing. Not that I wasn't listening, but that nothing that was presented in class was new. Very kind of boring. I came home and cleaned my room a little bit; and picked up some of the stuff I had left in the office...i.e. clothes, school books, random junk.
I went to my grandparents' house like my family usually does every Tuesday. This was the first week that I did not reload shotgun shells, but instead took my guitar and played around with it and wasted time. Overall it was fun. I got to see my cousins, some of whom I wouldn't mind not seeing, only because of the lies he is always telling...makes me sad that he needs to find fulfillment in lying about the things he does.
I had class today, I learned nothing. Not that I wasn't listening, but that nothing that was presented in class was new. Very kind of boring. I came home and cleaned my room a little bit; and picked up some of the stuff I had left in the office...i.e. clothes, school books, random junk.
I went to my grandparents' house like my family usually does every Tuesday. This was the first week that I did not reload shotgun shells, but instead took my guitar and played around with it and wasted time. Overall it was fun. I got to see my cousins, some of whom I wouldn't mind not seeing, only because of the lies he is always telling...makes me sad that he needs to find fulfillment in lying about the things he does.
electric/acoustic guitar,
shotgun shells,
wasted time
Monday, March 9, 2009
Trip to BBC.
I went with my parents and a good friend of mine down to BBC (Baptist Bible College, Clark Summit, PA) this morning. It was so cool...literally and figuratively (it was around 50 degrees and rainy). We wanted to leave at 4:30 so we could pick her up at 4:45...but that didn't happen, we got there just before 5:00 (this is a.m. btw) and headed off on this multi-state extravaganza! We had to be at BBC at 8:45 so we could be plugged into a 9:00 class. We made great time and would have made it there...but we got off the expressway one exit early and it took a little longer to take the back roads over to the college, but we did it, and we were only a lil' bit late! The first class we sat in was Gen. Psychology. I have been taking a secular Gen. Psy. at the community college I attend and disagree with much of what is said..."look at this as if you were an evolutionary psychologist...", to which my response is, "I can't." It was really cool to sit in the class as the subject matter was about intelligence and how 80% of intelligence is genetic..."where does our intelligence come from?" the professor asked. "Our parents." was the general response. Then the teacher said something that was awesome to me, she said, "Who made out parents?" It was awesome to have that confirmation of, "God IS a part of this school!" An accredited college that speaks of God, the true maker of all, openly and frequently! It is not just a facade that is tacked on the name of the school...it is the school!
We sat in a Cross-Cultural Communications class, and that was very cool how Coach John Jackson would show some of the video and then dissect it and get feedback throughout the film (Through Gates of Splendor the Jim Elliot and others' story). He also opened with prayer which I saw a lot of on campus...VERY encouraging!
The tour of the campus was very cool, they have a lot of "upgrades" from what i was last told about. I like the campus, college, staff...that is another thing the staff/faultily are VERY friendly, the student population is only about 530 I think this semester they said, but as we walked from Coach Jackson's class to the cafeteria (we were going to eat lunch with him so her could answer some questions, which was pretty cool to see all that he has done for God in his life) he would greet students that crossed our path, knowing their names and major. You could tell that there is definitely a professor/student relationship much better than that of a secular college.
As we were leaving my mom and dad wanted to stop by the "Underground Cafe" to get a cup of coffee, and a girl just walked up to us (we didn't have the guide with us anymore since we were in the process of leaving) and ask us if we were perspective students and greet us and just be nice to us. There was just so many nice people out there; it was just great!
Our trip home was uneventful compared to the exciting time at BBC...but that is a good thing when traveling 70 mph on the freeway...most events there are not very good, i.e. blown tire, no gas, hit a deer or another vehicle. We ate at the Outback Steakhouse and I was very unimpressed by it. (nothing special really.) We got my friend home around 9:30-ish I think, and we got home shortly after that. My parents left to get my lil' sis', Midge, at my grandparent's house cause she was still awake. After these last 2 days, of going to Yorkshire and watching the video of Mark Zook and today of sitting in the Cross-Cultural Comm. class I defiantly know that the foreign mission field is where God wants me.
In closing I ask for prayer as I will be making my decision of what college to attend (I still have one more college I want to see). The deadline is not until May, but that date is quickly approaching. I greatly appreciate it as I know that I will need it. Thank you, and please comment.
God's Student
We sat in a Cross-Cultural Communications class, and that was very cool how Coach John Jackson would show some of the video and then dissect it and get feedback throughout the film (Through Gates of Splendor the Jim Elliot and others' story). He also opened with prayer which I saw a lot of on campus...VERY encouraging!
The tour of the campus was very cool, they have a lot of "upgrades" from what i was last told about. I like the campus, college, staff...that is another thing the staff/faultily are VERY friendly, the student population is only about 530 I think this semester they said, but as we walked from Coach Jackson's class to the cafeteria (we were going to eat lunch with him so her could answer some questions, which was pretty cool to see all that he has done for God in his life) he would greet students that crossed our path, knowing their names and major. You could tell that there is definitely a professor/student relationship much better than that of a secular college.
As we were leaving my mom and dad wanted to stop by the "Underground Cafe" to get a cup of coffee, and a girl just walked up to us (we didn't have the guide with us anymore since we were in the process of leaving) and ask us if we were perspective students and greet us and just be nice to us. There was just so many nice people out there; it was just great!
Our trip home was uneventful compared to the exciting time at BBC...but that is a good thing when traveling 70 mph on the freeway...most events there are not very good, i.e. blown tire, no gas, hit a deer or another vehicle. We ate at the Outback Steakhouse and I was very unimpressed by it. (nothing special really.) We got my friend home around 9:30-ish I think, and we got home shortly after that. My parents left to get my lil' sis', Midge, at my grandparent's house cause she was still awake. After these last 2 days, of going to Yorkshire and watching the video of Mark Zook and today of sitting in the Cross-Cultural Comm. class I defiantly know that the foreign mission field is where God wants me.
In closing I ask for prayer as I will be making my decision of what college to attend (I still have one more college I want to see). The deadline is not until May, but that date is quickly approaching. I greatly appreciate it as I know that I will need it. Thank you, and please comment.
God's Student
Baptist Bible College,
Clark Summit,
Cross Cultural,
Jim Elliot,
Mark Zook,
road trips,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Man, it was so awesome to see everybody at Yorkshire tonight. We had a double service at my church which includes, Sunday school, service, a lunch (we are good baptists!), and then another service. This was our associate pastor's last Sunday before going to pastor a church in Ithaca. So our afternoon/evening was free. Our pastor's oldest son wanted to go to see our friends in Yorkshire but we had planned not to go untill the 22nd...which happens to be long after they leave. To solve this problem, our good friend came up with a solution that worked pretty well...we would go down on their last Sunday here! So we did! It was awesome.
The trip over was pretty bad because the fog was so thick and the lovely driver in front of me from my church didn't have her lights on..."they are automatic." she said with the helpless bat of the eyes..."Well, your taillights arn't, and I couldn't see you." I said firmly but not angrily. We did arrive 4 minutes late, but not bad because the lights were off and they were watching the movie about Mark Zook and his missions with the Mouk people in Paupa New Guinea. We all shuffled in and sat in front of 3 of my best friends from that church, one of them was actually leaving that Sunday night to go back to Appalachian Bible College. It was awesome to see how God worked that out so we could hang out with all those awesome people there!
The trip over was pretty bad because the fog was so thick and the lovely driver in front of me from my church didn't have her lights on..."they are automatic." she said with the helpless bat of the eyes..."Well, your taillights arn't, and I couldn't see you." I said firmly but not angrily. We did arrive 4 minutes late, but not bad because the lights were off and they were watching the movie about Mark Zook and his missions with the Mouk people in Paupa New Guinea. We all shuffled in and sat in front of 3 of my best friends from that church, one of them was actually leaving that Sunday night to go back to Appalachian Bible College. It was awesome to see how God worked that out so we could hang out with all those awesome people there!
Late night...again.
Man...I am tired. This morning...I mean yesterday morning, I was supposed to help my pastor move his stuff to Ithaca...so I woke up early...too early, I was up at 7:30. I thought that was good since I needed to be at his house at 8:30 to leave...well I got an hour I will work on my art assignment...oops! Next thing I know my pastor is calling me wondering if I was planning on coming down cause it is 9:15! RATS! So I didn't go...and I wanted too...and was very angry at myself because of that. I spent most of the rest of the day working here at home on stuff around the house and papers.
One thing I learned today was the answer to a question I have had for about 3 months now, "Why arn't my cuts healing as fats as they used too?" I would get a cut and after a day or 2 the cut would be almost completely healed...I do not cover them with band aids, use antiseptics, or other types of medication like Neosporin; but I would have no sign of being cut in 3 days...like a non-mutant Wolverine. But the answer I have come to believe is the correct one is linked directly to the amount of sleep I get. People grow the most when they are sleeping; part of this growing is the growth of new skin cells.
I think this because I have a cut from almost 2 weeks ago when I went ice skating; the cut on my finger is still scabbed over...and not closed up yet. That is the conclusion I have come too. Like all my posts feel free to comment about what you think about this correctional experiment.
One thing I learned today was the answer to a question I have had for about 3 months now, "Why arn't my cuts healing as fats as they used too?" I would get a cut and after a day or 2 the cut would be almost completely healed...I do not cover them with band aids, use antiseptics, or other types of medication like Neosporin; but I would have no sign of being cut in 3 days...like a non-mutant Wolverine. But the answer I have come to believe is the correct one is linked directly to the amount of sleep I get. People grow the most when they are sleeping; part of this growing is the growth of new skin cells.
I think this because I have a cut from almost 2 weeks ago when I went ice skating; the cut on my finger is still scabbed over...and not closed up yet. That is the conclusion I have come too. Like all my posts feel free to comment about what you think about this correctional experiment.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tired yet?
I am exhausted...I woke up this morning at 8:30...I slept in. It was a pretty tiring day. My dad got a big sander this morning and we worked on that for an hour before I had to go to college for my art class. My teacher was not feeling well, so she ended the class at 3:30 instead of 4:30. It was good since none of us were really feeling that well.
After class was over I headed to Wal-mart to look at cameras. I am looking to purchase one...but I also am looking to buy an electric/acoustic guitar...so I don't know...I don't want to buy both...since I can't really afford it...and I hate spending money...my one character flaw.
When I got home, my dad was finishing up sanding the large areas of the floor while I used "The Mouse" sander to do the edging. We got all the bumps and ripples out of the finish, and vacuumed up all the dust and pieces of stain that broke off of the edges.
I left at 5:45 to help my pastor move the stuff out of his office at the church and then went over to his house to help move stuff out of there. After filling the truck up I left to go back to the church where we ended up playing hockey until 10:00.
To end this I wanted to type something that I learned today, but I can't think of anything...kinda sad actually. As I sit here, I think of what I COULD have done. I could have been a better witness for Christ. I know I could have told the people I love, that I love them. I could have been nicer to everybody. But I didn't. But there is still life, and where there is life, there is still yet hope.
After class was over I headed to Wal-mart to look at cameras. I am looking to purchase one...but I also am looking to buy an electric/acoustic guitar...so I don't know...I don't want to buy both...since I can't really afford it...and I hate spending money...my one character flaw.
When I got home, my dad was finishing up sanding the large areas of the floor while I used "The Mouse" sander to do the edging. We got all the bumps and ripples out of the finish, and vacuumed up all the dust and pieces of stain that broke off of the edges.
I left at 5:45 to help my pastor move the stuff out of his office at the church and then went over to his house to help move stuff out of there. After filling the truck up I left to go back to the church where we ended up playing hockey until 10:00.
To end this I wanted to type something that I learned today, but I can't think of anything...kinda sad actually. As I sit here, I think of what I COULD have done. I could have been a better witness for Christ. I know I could have told the people I love, that I love them. I could have been nicer to everybody. But I didn't. But there is still life, and where there is life, there is still yet hope.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Freedom from the smell...for today.
Today was just another fun day in my extremely boring life. I titled the post what I did only because we did not finish the floors today...which means I can move about the house freely for once. AND IT DOESN'T STINK! I hate that smell.
I went to bed...early...around 2:00 this morning, but I forgot my pillow at my grandparents' house so I deflated a beach ball that I happened to have in the office and put it in a fleece and used that as a pillow. It hurt my neck pretty bad, but it sufficed for one night.
I got up for college at 6:00 and left the house with 16 oz. of day old coffee and a bottle of diet Pepsi Max to fuel me through my day. It was pretty rough, but I made it. My classes were very boring and nothing really interesting happened...they kinda just...existed. Very boring.
I came home and then took my mom over to my grandparents' house and then left to go to my friend's house where the three of us planned worship service for Sunday. I got to her house only to find out that the other girl's brother did not come home yet. So we drove over to her house, picked her up and returned to start planning. We practiced guitar and went over some different variations of songs trying to find the songs that were easy to play, but in a good vocal range; great fun over all...ohhhh...wait...I'm Baptist...I can't have fun. Never mind. We finished up and I drove over to pick Jeff from work before heading back to my grandparents' where I ate dinner before getting dropped off at home when she was going to quilting tonight.
I went to bed...early...around 2:00 this morning, but I forgot my pillow at my grandparents' house so I deflated a beach ball that I happened to have in the office and put it in a fleece and used that as a pillow. It hurt my neck pretty bad, but it sufficed for one night.
I got up for college at 6:00 and left the house with 16 oz. of day old coffee and a bottle of diet Pepsi Max to fuel me through my day. It was pretty rough, but I made it. My classes were very boring and nothing really interesting happened...they kinda just...existed. Very boring.
I came home and then took my mom over to my grandparents' house and then left to go to my friend's house where the three of us planned worship service for Sunday. I got to her house only to find out that the other girl's brother did not come home yet. So we drove over to her house, picked her up and returned to start planning. We practiced guitar and went over some different variations of songs trying to find the songs that were easy to play, but in a good vocal range; great fun over all...ohhhh...wait...I'm Baptist...I can't have fun. Never mind. We finished up and I drove over to pick Jeff from work before heading back to my grandparents' where I ate dinner before getting dropped off at home when she was going to quilting tonight.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Switching places...
Transition mania...
Today was just another CRAZY day in my simple life. I did not go to bed until 1:30-ish...I was staying at my grandparents last night. I didn't fall asleep till after 2 I think...it was hard to tell cause there was no clock in the room and my cellphone was dead cause my charger was that my house. I woke up at 7:15...not the time I WANTED to wake up...but that is how my body clock works. So I spent the day there, well, until 10:30 when I took Jeff to work. I then worked on the floors, with my dad again...this makes the 4th time...tomorrow I guess we are renting a sander to polish off the rough spots.
I went back to my grandparents' house and took my guitar with me to pass the time. I looked up some songs on ultimate-guitar.com (only cause e-chord.com didn't have what I was looking for). I looked up "What Life would be Like" by Big Daddy Weave. I have played it at least 100 times this afternoon...AT LEAST. every time I touched a guitar, I played it...over and over and over again.
I went to church tonight...like most Wednesdays, to listen to "my" kids...we didn't accomplish much in the book...just one section...but slowly he is working though it. Tonight was my church's assossiate pastor's last youth group. So according to baptist distinctive #11: "You must have food at all gatherings." and according to Baptist distinctive #12 we called it a gathering, "There shall be under no circumstanses the word 'party' to be atributed to any social event being attended by church members, they shall be therefore called 'gatherings'."
Today was just another CRAZY day in my simple life. I did not go to bed until 1:30-ish...I was staying at my grandparents last night. I didn't fall asleep till after 2 I think...it was hard to tell cause there was no clock in the room and my cellphone was dead cause my charger was that my house. I woke up at 7:15...not the time I WANTED to wake up...but that is how my body clock works. So I spent the day there, well, until 10:30 when I took Jeff to work. I then worked on the floors, with my dad again...this makes the 4th time...tomorrow I guess we are renting a sander to polish off the rough spots.
I went back to my grandparents' house and took my guitar with me to pass the time. I looked up some songs on ultimate-guitar.com (only cause e-chord.com didn't have what I was looking for). I looked up "What Life would be Like" by Big Daddy Weave. I have played it at least 100 times this afternoon...AT LEAST. every time I touched a guitar, I played it...over and over and over again.
I went to church tonight...like most Wednesdays, to listen to "my" kids...we didn't accomplish much in the book...just one section...but slowly he is working though it. Tonight was my church's assossiate pastor's last youth group. So according to baptist distinctive #11: "You must have food at all gatherings." and according to Baptist distinctive #12 we called it a gathering, "There shall be under no circumstanses the word 'party' to be atributed to any social event being attended by church members, they shall be therefore called 'gatherings'."
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Chalk another day done...
Well one day is done...and another one to come...the race is still to be run...and the price still to be won.
I don't know where that came from...but I just typed it spur of the moment.
One thing that I have thought about all day was the lacking of Christian testimony among the younger (teen) generation. Much like yesterday's post, I can't help but think about where this country will go if there is not some sort of revival for Christian living and belief...I'm not just talking about people getting saved, but people committing, or RE-committing themselves whole heartily to God.
Other than that, my day was consumed with college from 8:00 till 12:30 and then working at home on the floors for an hour or two...it doesn't take as much time now that I have gotten used to it.
I'm staying at my grandparents tonight...and spend my evening sorting out their computer problems...kinda fun actually. I enjoy problem solving. I did a visur scan and found out that it was Norton Anti-virus from 2005, so I installed another one called AVG Anti-Virus Free, and that found 4 Trojan Horse files...then I deleted the Norton cause it wasn't doing anything but slowing the system down. We had to keep restarting the computer every time we removed something, and my granpa just ended up giving me the password...even though I knew what it was cause I saw him enter it 4 times!
Like I said in my last posting...I want feedback from you readers...I know there arn't alot of you...but please, comment. Some one needs to hear what you have to say.
I don't know where that came from...but I just typed it spur of the moment.
One thing that I have thought about all day was the lacking of Christian testimony among the younger (teen) generation. Much like yesterday's post, I can't help but think about where this country will go if there is not some sort of revival for Christian living and belief...I'm not just talking about people getting saved, but people committing, or RE-committing themselves whole heartily to God.
Other than that, my day was consumed with college from 8:00 till 12:30 and then working at home on the floors for an hour or two...it doesn't take as much time now that I have gotten used to it.
I'm staying at my grandparents tonight...and spend my evening sorting out their computer problems...kinda fun actually. I enjoy problem solving. I did a visur scan and found out that it was Norton Anti-virus from 2005, so I installed another one called AVG Anti-Virus Free, and that found 4 Trojan Horse files...then I deleted the Norton cause it wasn't doing anything but slowing the system down. We had to keep restarting the computer every time we removed something, and my granpa just ended up giving me the password...even though I knew what it was cause I saw him enter it 4 times!
Like I said in my last posting...I want feedback from you readers...I know there arn't alot of you...but please, comment. Some one needs to hear what you have to say.
Monday, March 2, 2009
A day off and STILL lessons to be learned.
Today, Monday, was a very average day with nothing happening out of the ordinary, involving very average people to whom nothing ever extraordinary ever happened too....but since THAT is INCREDIBLY boring, I will tell you about my day...which is just as boring (besides, I don't know what happened to those people anywaz!)
Today I did not have college, so I stayed home to help my dad finish the floors. We spent from 12:30 till about 3:30 finishing the floors...after a while the smell doesn't bother you. Its actually kinda bad...but still. My dad edged everything and I coated the large areas. We worked pretty fast and got the first coat on quickly only to have to wait...again. So...my mom, brother and sister left to stay at my grandparents for the week and I am staying here at my house with my dad to work on the floors.
The smell finally died down about 6-ish and the floor started drying. They look really good. We have a few more coats to put on before it is complete. My dad wants at least 4 coats...that way we can at least use up the extra finish we have.
I did have the privilege to talk to some of my best friends today. Two of them are siblings and are like family to me. It was good talking to them. We ended up talking about how the standards of today's teen generation have declined; how the standards have lowered so much as to say, "God wants us to have fun." That is sad...sad and sickening. My one friend, who I call my lil' sis', was sad because of the state this "Christian" teen population seems to be no different from the world.
Tell me what you think. I want feedback on this. Please leave me a comment, it may help me...it may help some one else.
Today I did not have college, so I stayed home to help my dad finish the floors. We spent from 12:30 till about 3:30 finishing the floors...after a while the smell doesn't bother you. Its actually kinda bad...but still. My dad edged everything and I coated the large areas. We worked pretty fast and got the first coat on quickly only to have to wait...again. So...my mom, brother and sister left to stay at my grandparents for the week and I am staying here at my house with my dad to work on the floors.
The smell finally died down about 6-ish and the floor started drying. They look really good. We have a few more coats to put on before it is complete. My dad wants at least 4 coats...that way we can at least use up the extra finish we have.
I did have the privilege to talk to some of my best friends today. Two of them are siblings and are like family to me. It was good talking to them. We ended up talking about how the standards of today's teen generation have declined; how the standards have lowered so much as to say, "God wants us to have fun." That is sad...sad and sickening. My one friend, who I call my lil' sis', was sad because of the state this "Christian" teen population seems to be no different from the world.
Tell me what you think. I want feedback on this. Please leave me a comment, it may help me...it may help some one else.
youth group
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday Oneday!
Today was fun.
I got home and talked to my friend "His Daughter" till early this morning; then going to bed around 2:30-ish. I got up around 7:45, ate breakfast, and got ready for church. My parents decided this morning that we were going to stay at my grandparents house while my dad worked on polyurethane-ing the floors we finished sanding. We started packing up to get ready for the big and temporary move. It was after that, that they decided that me and Jeff, my bro, would be going to church so they could finish up...and my lil sister Midge was sick so my mom had to stay home any way.
I got home and talked to my friend "His Daughter" till early this morning; then going to bed around 2:30-ish. I got up around 7:45, ate breakfast, and got ready for church. My parents decided this morning that we were going to stay at my grandparents house while my dad worked on polyurethane-ing the floors we finished sanding. We started packing up to get ready for the big and temporary move. It was after that, that they decided that me and Jeff, my bro, would be going to church so they could finish up...and my lil sister Midge was sick so my mom had to stay home any way.
After we came home we ended up working on the floors more and not leaving our house till tomorrow, Monday. Me and Jeff worked on the floors, sanding, vacuuming, etc. till about 6:30, which is when evening service is at my church...so I didn't get to go tonight, and I really wanted too...but I had to clean up cause I have so much dust EVERYWHERE! (Eyes and ears are the most annoying place for sawdust to get.) But in the end I convinced my mom that I could stay here at the house, using another door, to get inn and out without walking on the polyurethaned surfaces.
One of the things that I keep thinking about from yesterday, was what Gary Murphee, from the Bridge, said,
"There are a lot of different people in the world who just don't talk to each other, they don't interact, they don't speak, they don't do ANYTHING together, never communicate; because they don't think they have anything in common. I don't believe that, I think we have lots in common; for one thing all us in the group think we have a common creator, that's a start. We have a whole bunch of other things in common too, and there is no reason why we shouldn't touch, and that's why we want to be a Bridge."
This really got me to thinking...why do I shy from certain people?, why do I avoid people I feel "uncomfortable" with?, and I think that it is because I have no way to relate to them; but I have some way to relate. No matter who you are, you share something in common with that person...it may be a chore finding out what it is...but there is something in common. And reaching that common ground may just be the tilling of the soil, or planting of the seed, or watering, or reaping the fruit of many laborers...of course I am talking about salvation, more specifically evangelism. You never know what part you will play in some one's life of sowing the seed of Jesus Christ.
One of the things that I keep thinking about from yesterday, was what Gary Murphee, from the Bridge, said,
"There are a lot of different people in the world who just don't talk to each other, they don't interact, they don't speak, they don't do ANYTHING together, never communicate; because they don't think they have anything in common. I don't believe that, I think we have lots in common; for one thing all us in the group think we have a common creator, that's a start. We have a whole bunch of other things in common too, and there is no reason why we shouldn't touch, and that's why we want to be a Bridge."
This really got me to thinking...why do I shy from certain people?, why do I avoid people I feel "uncomfortable" with?, and I think that it is because I have no way to relate to them; but I have some way to relate. No matter who you are, you share something in common with that person...it may be a chore finding out what it is...but there is something in common. And reaching that common ground may just be the tilling of the soil, or planting of the seed, or watering, or reaping the fruit of many laborers...of course I am talking about salvation, more specifically evangelism. You never know what part you will play in some one's life of sowing the seed of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ,
The Bridge
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